Title: Private Correspondence Pairing: Jimin/Jeongguk Rating: PG-13 Genre: Fluffy humor. I guess? Word Count: 2'053. Warnings: (none) (The rating is for a bit of language
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Title: Shipping for Beginners Pairing: Yoongi/Jeongguk Rating: PG. Genre: Cracky fluff. So much fluff it'll explode out of your ears. Word Count: 2'508. Warnings: (none
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Title: Out for Blood Pairing: Jimin/Jeongguk Rating: PG Genre: Vague fluff. Word Count: 2'192. Warnings: (none) Disclaimer: While the content of this story is inspired by real events and people, any references made are entirely thought up by the author and in no way reflect actual actions and opinions. Any similarities are coincidence.
Title: Collateral Damage of a Night out Drinking Pairing: Jimin/Jeongguk Rating: PG-13 Genre: Fluffy fluffballs of fluff. Word Count: 4'878. Warning: (none
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